Author: Derek Singletary

Adult Margarita Social

April 15, 2019 Off

Saturday, April 27, 2019 – 6pm to 9pm @ The Grove Pointe Park. Bring an appetizer to share! Margaritas will be provided by the HOA, but BYOB perfectly acceptable too! There will also be some awesome door prizes! *This event is open to adults, 21 and older. No children please.

By Derek Singletary

2019 Pool Registration Information

January 13, 2019 Off

Information regarding this year’s pool registration. There are three pages to include the list of rules and waiver. You may print and mail in your payment as soon as you’d like. There will be a copy of page 1 included in the dues mail-out for property owners. There will also be two in-person pool registration…

By Derek Singletary

S’mores with Santa

September 25, 2018 Off

December 21, 2018: Come down to the park at 6pm to meet Santa and take pictures with the jolly ole man. We will have hot cocoa and s’mores kits to enjoy by the fire with the family as you get into the Christmas spirit! We will also have our favorite Christmas train for the kids.…

By Derek Singletary